Points to Consider While Choosing Transformer Winding Machine Solutions

When you choose anything for yourself, you make sure to compare it with other same items just to be double sure. The same thing should be applied when you choose something for your industry. The first choice may not be the best one, but by comparing it to certain parameters, you can definitely come to a conclusion.

Transformer winding machines are becoming popular because of their lower failure rates during and after the assembly, lower production costs, and precise conductor blending.

There are certain factors that must be kept in mind while choosing a transformer winding machine. Let’s have a look -

     Weight of the coil - When choosing the right machine, the coil dimensions along with its total weight should be considered. The entire production process will be hampered if a machine is unable to handle the required weight.

     Diameter of the wire - Wires with different diameters will be wound. What should be taken into consideration is the minimum and maximum diameters of the wire that will be wound on the machine. This gives you the benefit of narrowing down your choices accordingly.

     Coil Dimension - Wires with small dimensions can easily be accommodated easily in a coil winding machine. But for wires with large dimensions, specific machines are to be used. So, while purchasing a coil winder machine, the largest coil dimension should be chosen.

     Coil winding method - When you choose the right machine, the methods associated with winding the coils should be taken into consideration. Whether the coil will wound at a slow speed with high torque, or at a high speed with low torque? 

We at Geo Stevens make sure to provide you with reliable and innovative coil winding equipment. If you are looking for guitar pickup winders or more, you can rely on us for our great customer support.

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